Rhinoplasty Preparation in Delhi at Persona Facers

To discuss whether or not you are a good candidate for rhinoplasty, you must first meet with your surgeon. You will talk about why you want surgery and what to expect.

Your surgeon will examine your medical history and ask you about any current medications and medical conditions. If you have hemophilia, a disorder that causes excessive bleeding, then your surgeon will recommend against any elective surgery.

Your surgeon will perform a physical examination, which will look closely at the skin inside and outside your nose to determine what changes can be made. Your surgeon may order blood tests or other lab tests.

Your surgeon will also consider whether any additional surgeries should be performed at the same time. For example, some people also have chin augmentation, a procedure to better define your chin, at the same time as rhinoplasty.

This consultation also involves photographing your nose from different angles. These shots will be used to assess the long-term outcomes of surgery and may be referred during surgery.

Make sure you understand the cost of your surgery. If your rhinoplasty is for cosmetic reasons, it is much less likely to be covered by insurance.

You should avoid painkillers containing ibuprofen or aspirin for two weeks and two weeks before your surgery. These drugs slow down the blood clotting process and can make you bleed more. Tell your surgeon what medications and supplements you are taking, so they can advise you on whether or not to continue them.

Smokers have more difficulty in treatment with rhinoplasty, as cigarettes slow down the recovery process. Nicotine constricts your blood vessels, resulting in less oxygen and blood healing tissues. Quitting smoking before and after surgery can help with the healing process.

Rhinoplasty procedure
Rhinoplasty can be performed in a hospital, a doctor's office or an outpatient surgical facility. Your doctor will use local or general anesthesia. If it is a simple procedure, you will get local anesthesia on your nose, which will also numb your face. You can also get medication through the IV line that bothers you, but you are still awake.

With general anesthesia, you will consume medication or get through an IV that will make you unconscious. Children are usually given general anesthesia.

Once you are numb or unconscious, your surgeon will cut between or inside your nostril. They will detach your skin from your cartilage or bone and begin to regrow. If your new nose needs a small amount of extra cartilage, your doctor may remove something from your ear or go deeper inside your nose. If more is needed, you may get an implant or a bone graft. A bone graft is the extra bone that is added to the bone in your nose.

The process usually takes between one and two hours. If surgery is complicated, it may take longer.


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