Cosmetic Surgery for Nose - Persona Faces

Nose job basics

Nose function (technically called a rhinoplasty) is surgery on the nose to change its shape or improve its function.

This can be done for medical reasons - such as correcting breathing problems related to the nose or correct deformity as a result of trauma or birth defects.

It can also be done for cosmetic reasons, which will change the shape and appearance of the nose.

Deciding on a nose job

If you are thinking about getting a nose job in Delhi, make an appointment with your surgeon to discuss it. During that meeting, talk about your goals and tell the doctor what you think about your nose and how you want to change it.

Keep in mind that there is no such thing as a perfect nose. Surgery, however, can enhance facial features and emphasize your unique and natural beauty. A plastic surgeon can describe facial features that make you unique and tell you how the changes will enhance your appearance.

The surgeon will evaluate your nasal structures and other facial features. After this evaluation, he or she can tell you if your expectations are realistic.

The surgeon will also consider your overall health and you should discuss the risks involved, recovery time and costs.

There are various techniques to re-shape the nose. Once you decide to proceed, your surgeon should describe what he or she wants to do.

If you have health insurance, make sure you talk to your insurer in advance so that you know what is covered and what you will have to pay for it. Health insurance usually does not pay for procedures that are done only for cosmetic reasons.

Rhinoplasty: step by step

A nasal function is usually performed as an outpatient procedure, meaning there is no stopping overnight. You will receive general or local anesthesia. With general anesthesia, you will sleep through the operation. With local anesthesia, you will be sedated and your nose will be numb, so you are resting and unable to feel pain.

During an operation, the surgeon cuts within the nasal cavity. In more difficult cases, the surgeon may also cut at the base of the nose. The surgeon then reshapes the internal bone and cartilage to create a more pleasing appearance.


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