Body Lift Surgery - Get it in Delhi India

What is a body lift surgery Persona Faces?

Body lift or total body lift is a cosmetic and plastic surgery procedure performed to transform your body into natural curves and shape shapes. Body lift is a surgical procedure in which the loose and hanging skin of the entire body is tightened and the implant is inserted into a procedure. Body lift basically re-shapes the breasts, chest, arms, thighs, hips, back, waist, abdomen, and knees after losing weight (for example those who have weight like gastric bypass, laparoscopic gastric bypass, gastric banding Lose a lot of weight after loss surgery)), aging and multiple pregnancies.

Who are the candidates for body lift surgery?

If you have lost a large amount of weight (50 - 300 pounds) and have loose skin hanging over your face, breasts, back, abdomen and thighs, or if you want to lose weight (especially if you suffer from central obesity ) Is resistant to diet and exercise, if you have loose, drooping skin due to aging or multiple pregnancies that can pose a risk of cellulitis or an abscess, then you have honor for a body lift. Candidates.belly fat surgery prices in India This process can be done either in isolation or in combination with other body contouring and weight loss procedures such as liposuction, tummy tagger, etc.

What are the procedures for body lift surgery?

Body lift is performed in a hospital setting under general anesthesia and may take approximately 5 - 7 or 10 hours depending on other cosmetic surgery procedures. Body lift surgery is usually done first to remove excess skin from the abdomen i.e. from the area between the belly button and pubic hair and also to tighten the abdominal muscles. Excess skin is removed, the belly button is rearranged, the remaining skin is approximated and the incision is numb. The surgeon will then bend you to your side, make an incision in the area of ​​your buttock and back, try to remove fat and excess skin and normalize the curves and contours of your sides and back. Body lift also includes liposuction of the buttocks, thighs, and abdominal areas. fat removal surgery cost in India Finally, your surgeon will work on flabby arms (commonly called bat wings) and make them shapely. As mentioned above, liposuction, power-assisted liposculpture (PAL), tummy tuck, thigh lift, arm lift, breast reduction, breast augmentation, breast lift, and skin grafting can all be done at the same time, whatever your May be required.

What is the recovery period after a body lift?

You will spend the initial few hours following a body lift in the recovery room under observation for immediate postoperative complications and monitor your heart and lung functions. You will probably spend the next 3 - 5 days in the hospital. Immediately after body lift surgery, you will be given a compression bandage (compression garment) to wear on the areas where surgery was performed to reduce swelling and bleeding. The first few days after a body lift can be quite painful and uncomfortable. Drains and tubes will be placed under your skin for 1 - 2 weeks to drain fluid, blood, and fat. Despite the pain and discomfort, you should try it on the first evening after body lift surgery and your nurse will encourage you to increase your activity slowly but progressively. You will be able to resume your daily activities in about 4 - 5 weeks.

Why choose body lift surgery in India?

Medical tourism is behind the body lift surgery in India. This is where the residents of a country want to reduce the cost of their medical treatment at home, by getting cheaper alternative treatment abroad and they are looking at countries like India. India combines world-class healthcare with the cost of a portion of those in the US or Europe. India is now the leading country in promoting medical tourism in the world and currently, the growth in the industry is running at more than 30% per year. The awareness level of foreigners regarding various body lift procedures is very high. India offers comparable service standards and pricing benefits. Weight loss surgery "Americans are the largest clientele, followed by tourists from Eastern Europe, the Far East, and even Japan. In fact, in the United States, body lift surgery is a luxury many middle-class Americans have. Body lift In specialized areas of surgery, India has a talent pool of qualified cosmetic surgeons, many of whom have been trained in the US and UK. With the development of healthcare facilities infrastructure in India. And the equipment is also available with these surgeons. This coupled with the extremely low cost of surgery makes India an ideal destination for your body lift surgery needs. Body lift in India Surgery is performed with complete confidentiality.

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