What Is Breast Implant Illness?
Breast implant disease (BII) is a term that some women and doctors use to refer to a wide range of symptoms that can develop after reconstruction or cosmetic augmentation with breast implants. It is also sometimes referred to as autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome, which is induced by adjuvant (ASIA). BII can occur with any type of breast implant, with silicone gel-filled, saline-filled, smooth surfaces, textured surfaces, round or teardrop-shaped. BII affects each person in a unique way. Symptoms may include: Joint and muscle aches Extreme tiredness Memory and concentration problems Breathing problem Sleep disturbance Rashes and skin problems Dry mouth and dry eyes anxiety depression Headache hair fall Gastrointestinal problems Symptoms may appear at any time after transplant surgery - some people develop symptoms immediately, while some develop them years later. Many symptoms of BII are associated with autoimmune and connective tissue disorders, such as lupus, ...